JOIN US at noon Feb. 10 for a regular weekly lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Westerville at the Villa Milano. Our program will be a Star House update. Star House is the Columbus drop-in center for homeless teens we have sponsored for several years. Naima Ilmi,...
UPDATE: Due to expected freezing rain then snow right about the time of our Thursday lunch meeting this week – snap! – we will hold our Feb. 3 meeting via Zoom, NOT in person at the Villa Milano. So, DON’T go to the Villa tomorrow. Join us instead via Zoom at this...
JOIN US at noon Thursday, Jan. 27 for a lunchtime Zoom meeting of the Rotary Club of Westerville. Our program will be a special fellowship program: Bring Your Pet to Rotary Day. Rotarians who introduce their pet during the Zoom meeting will be entered in a Feb. 3...
REMINDER: Our Third Thursday Social scheduled for today, Jan. 20, has been canceled due to the current surge of Covid cases. No lunch meetings are held the week of our Third Thursday social and fellowship gatherings, so no lunchtime meeting is planned today —...
The Age-Friendly Westerville initiative will be the topic of our weekly lunchtime meeting at noon Jan. 13. Due to the current surge of Covid cases, this meeting will take place by Zoom. Our speaker will be Chelsea Nichols, the City Planner for the City of Westerville...
The Rotary Club of Westerville recognized its January 2022 Students of the Month during its Jan. 6 luncheon at the Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center. Throughout the school year, from October through May, the Club honors four students from local high schools...