JOIN US at noon Feb. 24 for our regular weekly lunch meeting at the Villa Milano.
This will be our Lasagna-to-Go 2022 Kick Off Meeting, with Eric Gibson – chair of our Fish Fry/Lasagna-to-Go Committee – serving as our speaker.
The Lasagna-to-Go event surfaced last year as our Fish Fry alternative, when the Coronavirus pandemic made gathering indoors for a sit-down meal at the Otterbein Campus Center impossible.
The drive-through dining alternative, featuring the Villa Milano’s delicious lasagna, was a great success! “L2G” offered great fellowship for Club members working the event, safety for patrons, and a fiscal success for our community service fundraising on par with our Fish Fry. (The Fish Fry for decades has been our largest annual fundraiser.)
This year, safety issues due to Covid persist with large indoor dining events, and construction work due to start at the Campus Center throws another roadblock to the traditional Fish Fry. Therefore, the Club has decided to bring back Lasagna-to-Go for a second helping!
Just like the Fish Fry, the Lasagna-to-Go event will be “all hands on deck” for the club. We will need volunteers for many tasks, ticket sales, and work by all to make this event – our major fundraiser for the year – another roaring success in 2022.
Eric will share all the details with us Feb. 24. Please attend this important meeting at noon Feb. 24 at the Villa Milano, 1630 Schrock Road.
The Rotary Club of Westerville
Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at
Interested in joining?
The Rotary Club of Westerville is accepting applications for new membership.
The best way to pursue membership is to contact an existing Club member and attend one of our lunches or events as her or his guest. Members of the public also are welcome to attend our events on their own, to see what our service club is all about. If possible, please give notice of your intent to attend a luncheon or social by emailing [email protected]. Learn more about Rotary International at
We hope to see you soon!