For 52 years, the Rotary Club of Westerville has hosted a Lenten-season Fish Fry to raise funds for its local charitable activities. The event has helped the club to award more than $500,000 in college scholarships to Westerville high school graduates to date.
This year, our planned 53rd Annual Westerville Rotary Fish Fry swam into the Coronavirus pandemic. The Otterbein University Campus Center is unavailable for our event and we have no safe way to stage our normal large-scale, indoor-dining event while observing COVID safety protocols.
Not to fear – LASAGNA to the rescue!
Our Rotary Club members still love to feed multitudes in the Westerville community. And we still need to raise money for our continuing charitable efforts.
So for 2021, we will proudly present the Villa Milano Lasagna-To-Go event, from 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 18, at the Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center, 1630 Schrock Road, 43229. The lasagna from Villa Milano, home for many years to our club’s weekly lunch meetings, is justifiably renowned far and wide. We think you will love it.
Still Rotary. Still Yummy. Totally COVID-safe.
The meal will consist of your choice of Villa Milano’s meat or vegetable lasagna, served with a salad and a roll.
Rotary Club of Westerville members will serve the meals through contactless drive-thru pickup, only, at the Villa Milano. Just like with our annual Fish Fry, proceeds from the Lasagna-To-Go event will help fund our Local Scholarships!
Tickets are $12 for Adults, and $10 for Seniors (65+)
TICKETS are available now from any Rotary Club of Westerville member, and also online USING THE BUTTONS BELOW.
We invite our longtime Fish Fry patrons to enjoy our Lasagna-To-Go this year! Thank you for your continued support!
The Rotary Club of Westerville
Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at
Tickets for sale on-site!