UPDATED – Please join us as the Rotary Club of Westerville honors the winner of our 2020 A. Monroe Courtright Volunteer Service Award. This annual award dating to 1977 recognizes an individual or group who as rendered outstanding public service to the Westerville community, without remuneration.
This 7 p.m. Thursday, June 18 program will be a special “hybrid” gathering – a first for our club – with an in-person gathering in the spacious meeting room at WARM, 150 Heatherdown Drive, that also will simulcast of Zoom, for club members unable to attend.
Safe, socially distanced seating at the WARM facility is limited to 30 attendees, so notice of attendance is required. Please RSVP if you will by attending, by email to Club Secretary Wendell McCurdy, at [email protected]. NOTE: Facemasks must be worn inside of WARM traveling to and from the meeting room; Inside the room, guests will be spaced according to health official guidelines, so wearing masks will not be mandatory.
Cake and coffee will be served following presentation of the award and remarks from our worthy 2020 Courtright Award winner.
Read more about our Courtright Award, including a list of the first 43 years of winners, at https://www.madisonctrotary.com/courtright-award/
To join the event by Zoom, click on the below link or use this meeting info to join from within the app or by phone:
Meeting ID: 880 9215 0475
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Meeting ID: 880 9215 0475
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ksT57mMkD