The Rotary Club of Westerville will commence monthly evening Social & Fellowship meetings next week.

These Socials will take place on the Third Thursdays of each month, in lieu of our normal weekly luncheon at the Villa Milano Banquet and Conference Center.

Our FIRST Third Thursday will take place from 5-7 p.m. July 15 at the Westerville Rusty Bucket restaurant, 400 Polaris Parkway. We have the patio reserved. The restaurant will offer us a simplified menu to choose from. Attendees can order what they want and will be billed with individual tabs.

Third Thursdays are planned for socializing and fellowship. We will mix in various locations about town, and suggestions on other venues are welcome! Other than a welcome and introduction, no formal program will be offered. We may wear nametags if numerous guests are expected.

Club members who have difficulty getting to our Thursday luncheons are especially encouraged to attend. Also, Third Thursdays will be great gatherings to introduce prospective new members! Please consider bringing your spouse or friend.

Because our Third Thursdays program is new, we are asking Rotarians to RSVP if they plan to attend – especially this July 15 event. If you can make it, please confirm your attendance by email to new Rotogram Editor Brandy Deichert at [email protected] by 5 p.m. July 14. Also indicate whether you will be bringing a guest!

Note: Our normal annual social events – the Installation Banquet in June, Family Fun Day in November on the day after Thanksgiving, and our Holiday Party in December – will continue to serve as our club socials for those months.

We hope to see you July 15 at the Rusty Bucket for our first Third Thursday!

The Rotary Club of Westerville

Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at